There are no more excuses for forgetting about any of your tasks or missing due dates - thanks to the sleek new My Tasks area in Roll.

You can now see all your tasks in one place, sort by projects and due date and add tasks not related to any specific project (like calling mum for her birthday or applying for annual leave).

My Tasks area in Roll UI

With this latest feature release Roll really does become the tool to manage your day. And to collaborate with your team. Not only can you see your own tasks, but you can also see tasks assigned to other people on your project team. And admin users can see everyone’s tasks so they know exactly who is working on what and what tasks are due when.

Everyone can create new tasks, assign them to team members, set due dates, make comments and mark tasks as completed.

Coinciding with this we’ve also made a few improvements in the tasks section of the projects view to give you better filter and search options and make creating tasks even easier and faster.

And of course all of this is done the Roll way; simple, fast and beautifully designed.

Watch the video below to learn more or log into your Roll account to check it out for yourself.

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ROLL is the simplest way to manage your business and projects.